Monday, January 14, 2008

The 1 Square Mile

The interesting thing about London is that each borough is like it's own unique neighborhood. One of my absolute favorite places in London is the one square mile that makes up the original city of London.

It is now a bustling, busy center of the capital. The Bank of England and the Royal Courts of Justice both reside within the city limits. It also holds some of the most unique architecture and streets in the whole of England. St. Paul's, Temple Church (Knights Templar and DaVinci Code anyone?), St. Brides (picture above -- also the inspiration for tiered wedding cakes!), The Temple Bar, and The Courts of Justice are just a few of the amazing places in the city.

It's also a really unique area because of how well it still represents the ancient city that sprung up along the banks of the Thames many millenia ago. Cobble stoned pathways, The Cheshire Cheese, Ye Olde Mitre pub, and Twinings Tea are just some things that hearken back to a time that is long gone, but not forgotten.

For all the things I just mentioned, there are about 20 things I missed that make the one square mile so unique and awe-inspiring.

In the course, we'll be spending a good deal of time in the city. If you want to get a feel for the feel of the city, here's a popular children's nursery rhyme that gets its inspiration from this hallowed area:


Gay go up and gay go down
To Ring the Bells of London Town
"Oranges and Lemons" say the Bells of St. Clements
"Bullseyes and Targets" say the Bells of St. Margaret's
"Brickbats and Tiles" say the Bells of St. Giles
"Halfpence and Farthings" say the Bells of St. Martin's
"Pancakes and Fritters" say the Bells of St. Peter's
"Two Sticks and an Apple" say the Bells of Whitechapel
"Maids in white aprons" say the Bells at St. Katherine's
"Pokers and Tongs" say the Bells of St. John's
"Kettles and Pans" say the Bells of St. Anne's
"Old Father Baldpate" say the slow Bells of Aldgate
"You owe me Ten Shillings" say the Bells of St. Helen's
"When will you Pay me?" say the Bells of Old Bailey
"When I grow Rich" say the Bells of Shoreditch
"Pray when will that be?" say the Bells of Stepney
"I do not know" say the Great Bell of Bow
Gay go up and gay go down
To Ring the Bells of London Town

Do some Internet research and you'll find the nursery rhyme actually has some really deep meaning to it.

Just another reason to LOVE London!